I like doubles, how about you?

I like doubles.

Come to think of it which Trini doesn’t?

This television commercial by Abovegroupogilvy for Cannings sort of got me thinking about doubles as an experience.

Doubles with slight…yummy!

If you’re a real doubles lover then you’ll know that after eating a few doubles with heavy “burn pepper” you’re going to want something to wash it down with.

Using the original commercial as a point of reference I made a fan video. *smh*

The aim was to capture the true doubles eating experience with the right amount of product placement.

This is how I’d do it…

While working this piece I started thinking about the integration of “sweedrinks” with the doubles making/eating Trinbagonians

The original commercial provides an interesting insight for “sweedrink” companies in particular.

The original concept is brilliant when you think about it deeply.

I can see the potential of this product to become the (unofficial) official doubles drink in the same way “A red Solo” is the unofficial official drink of roti eaters.
Another example could be how KFC only provides Pepsi or Sprite with delivery orders (at least from my experience). You never “really” have a choice of a Coke per se.

So why not develop a construct for Cannings to be the drink of choice for doubles?

Somehow the doubles industry seems like the ripe low hanging fruit for soft drink/beverage companies. No single beverage company “owns” the doubles “brand” but, who is to say it can’t be done by a company willing to snatch it?

What do you think?

Look out for episode 2 where I continue to develop this (spec) campaign.

A big howdy to the folks over at Abovegroupogilvy, I am constantly inspired by your work.



2 thoughts on “I like doubles, how about you?”

  1. I see what u did there, u capture d doubles moments well. Being a doubles banton myself I think one thing was missing… d “doubles face” people do have while waiting, its hard to describe but waiting ur turn for ur slight pepper goodness do put ur face in a awkward, yearning, mouth watering always open position. As for the commercial itself I would excuse that “good looking” people wasn’t used as it isn’t an official thing. The scene though needed a lil more vibes and humor. For example that part where d old man ask for 5 doubles I would change it to him asking for 20 doubles, zoom in on it and have a loud steups to follow in the background. We have all been through dat where we right behind someone who order a million doubles and u hadda wait. I would have made each scene a lil more interesting and memorable…. cuz I always think I would love this (and d original) d first time I see it but would get fed up of it quite quickly. But good work…

    1. Chris, thanks for the love.

      This is just the first of many.

      I faced some “challenges” on the shoot, the worst of which was the time constraint. I shot this thing in about 15 minutes with the customers being really paranoid about being on camera.

      The next one will be better planned.

      My goal here is to document an “experiment” of sorts in branding doubles and other related commodities.

      We can meet up if you want in on it.


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